South Eastern Regional Association
of Medical and Biological Organizations


and Rushes




of concern

The Southern Appalachain Assessment identified exotic species as the number one threat to forest health in southern Appalachia. Less than 18 percent of forested land in southern Appalachia is publicly owned. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway, as well as other public lands in southern Appalchia, are becoming islands of refuge for native species due to surrounding structural development and exotic species introductions. Seed dispersal by birds, wind, humans and encroachment from bordering private lands are an increasing issue. Should the desire the protection of our unique diversity, we must advance as consumers to the promotion of native plant propogation and cultivation. (This does not mean promotion of poaching or harvesting of wild stock on public lands.) Signs indicate that forest health is on a course of species homogenization.

The above lists are to assist those seeking information on the most invasive plant species of southern Appalachia. These were provided by Faith Campbell of the National Exotic Plant Pest Council.

This page is still under construction. The desire is to provide additional information and photos of each of these species.

Donated photos of all species listed are sought.

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