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Home / Help / Internet Error Messages
Errors occur on the Internet quite frequently. Most of the time, they do not originate from your computer, but from mis-configured servers and websites you are trying to reach. Usually, the only recourse you have it to try again (hit the reload / reset button on your browser) or try the site at a later time.

400 Bad File RequestUsually means the syntax used in the url is incorrect (e.g. uppercase letter should be lowecase letter; wrong punctuation marks).
401 UnauthorizedServer is looking for some encryption key from the client and is not getting it. Also, wrong password may have been entered. Try it again, paying close attention to case sensitivity
403 Forbidden/Access DeniedSimilar to 401, special permission needed to access the site -- a password and/or username if it is a registration issue. Other times you may not have the proper permissions set up on the server.
404 File Not FoundServer cannot find the file you requested. File has either been moved or deleted, or you entered the wrong url or document name. Look at the url. If a word looks misspelled, then correct it and try it again. If that doesn't work backtrack by deleting information between each backslash, until you come to a page on that site that isn't a 404. From there you may be able to find the page you're looking for.
500 Internal ErrorCouldn't retrieve the HTML document because of server-configuration problems. This error is common when there is a programming error on "CGI" scripts on the server in question.
501 Not ImplementedWeb server doesn't support a requested feature
502 Service Temporarily OverloadedServer congestion; too many connections; high traffic. Keep trying until the page loads.
503 Service UnavailableServer busy, site may have moved ,or you lost your dial-up Internet connection.
File Contains No DataPage is there but is not showing anything. Error occurs in the document. May be caused by bad table formatting, or stripped header information.
Bad File RequestYour Browser may not support the form or other coding you're trying to access.
Failed DNS LookupThe Domain Name Server can't translate your domain request into a valid Internet address. Try entering the IP address for the server you are looking for, if you know it. It is possible that the server in question may have been recently moved.
Host UnavailableHost server down. Hit reload or go to the site later
Unable to Locate HostHost server is down, Internet connection is lost, or url typed incorrectly