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Dr. Elaine Heffner: Social learning

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Elaine Heffner

Children are entering groups at earlier and earlier ages. Once in groups, they begin to be thought of as being in school. Being in “school” they should be “learning,” and learning has come to mean the three R’s, plus mastery of other material once only expected of children in grade school. As a result, the importance and value of play is not fully appreciated. It is as if learning and play are not only different, but opposed: If children are playing, they are not learning. It is only when being taught letters, numbers or other academic material that they are seen as learning.

It is through play that children acquire mastery of many of the skills they will need for later academic success. Important, is the kind of emotional learning that grows out of play. Children learn through experience realities that we often try to teach abstractly as rules or manners: If they insist on it always being their turn, no one will want to play with them. If they keep taking things another child is playing with they may find themselves being avoided.

Successful play with others also involves the ability to function cooperatively — that means accepting the ideas of others as well as one’s own. Joining several other children who are engaged in an activity can be challenging. Some children find this easier to do than others.

Observing children, one can see a child who is having difficulty. A child may hover around the periphery of an activity perhaps hoping to be invited in. Next, he might try to take part without really knowing how to do this, leading to an expression of annoyance or rejection by another child. Rebuffed, some children will give up and move away but others may become more aggressive and do something disruptive.

Unfortunately, the adult in charge usually only gets to see the end of the sequence and the disrupter is the one who is reprimanded and led away. In one example, a child clearly wanted to take part in another child’s construction. It ended with his knocking the whole thing down and being scolded by the adult in charge.

The same child joined a table with another child and a teacher. Unable to hear what was going on, I saw the child knock off the table all the little figures that had been set up by the other child. To my surprise, the disrupter then picked up all the pieces he had knocked down and put them back where they had been.

Afterwards, I asked the teacher what she had said to bring that about. She said she asked the child if the other child looked happy or sad. He replied, “sad.” She then said they could fix that by putting the pieces back and she would help him do that. The result was that what started as a disaster ended as a positive experience for the child.

This was a good demonstration of teaching social behavior. In a positive way, this child was helped to reflect on the effect of his behavior on others and then support was given to help the child correct his behavior. It is this kind of learning that becomes so important later on when children are required to listen to the teacher and focus attention on academic tasks.

Too often, children are expected to have already mastered these skills during those early pre-school years that once were understood to provide the opportunity to develop them. We need to remind ourselves of the teaching and learning required — and the time that such learning takes.

— Elaine Heffner, LCSW, Ed.D., has written for Parents Magazine,, Redbook, Disney online and PBS Parents, as well as other publications. She has appeared on PBS, ABC, Fox TV and other networks. And, she blogs at