MEMORANDUM: August 1998

NEW--Mini-memorandom on demise of CAUSE Foundation Aug. 1998


DATE: Summer 1998


 In a July 21, 1998 letter to supporters, CAUSE Executive Director Kirk Lyons announced that he has stopped CAUSE's newsletter, The Balance, and is ceasing to raise funds because  "it is pointless to continue fund raising when a letter costs more than it brings in."   According to Lyons, he and Assistant Director/brother-in-law Neil Payne are both now working full time for the Southern Legal Resource Center, Inc.  "which specializes in Southern heritage violations and is a civil liberties organization for the Confederate flag."

 Lyons went on to say he would fulfill his attorney obligations to his Branch Davidian clients.   The letter has a bitter tone to it blaming in part "irresponsible elements in the 'patriotic' movement" for CAUSE not "still being a vibrant force for good."   He also said,
"This decision was brought about by a number of factors:
  Drastically decreased support for our Waco case;
  incessant and vicious demonization of our efforts by kooks in the Oklahoma City bombing
     conspiracy crowd;
  irresponsible Spotlight journalists, who never contacted us for our side of the Strassmeier story."

Southern Legal Resource Center, Inc. (SLRC) New Perch for Lyons
Kirk Lyons is now signing news releases  "Chief Trial Counsel" for the Southern Legal Resource Center, Inc..  Working with attorney Lourie Salley, the SLRC has participated in "heritage" cases in Pickens, SC where the Sons of Confederate Veterans was barred from having a booth at a civic club's festival and in Concord, NC where a high school girls was disciplined for having a confederate flag patch on her backpack.
The SLRC, according to a Lyons' July 21, 1998 letter "specializes in Southern heritage violations and is a civil liberties organization for the Confederate flag."

 Although Lourie works out of South Carolina, an SLRC news release  gives the address for the SLRC's office as  the same Black Mountain, NC address, phone, and fax number  used by the now defunct CAUSE Foundation.

Kirk Lyons' SLRC Presence Likely To Discredit  "Heritage" Issues Even More:
 Kirk Lyons, Executive Director of the moth-balled CAUSE Foundation, will have a tough time convincing the wider public that his motives are  historical as he "defends Southern heritage" cases and helps defend the Confederate flag.

Consider the following quotes:

"It would be good if the Klan followed the advice of former Klansman Robert Miles: 'Become invisible,  Hang the robes and hoods in the cupboard and become an underground organization. This would make the Klan stronger than ever."   
--Lyons' interview in the neo-nazi publication Volkstreue, winter 1992
"I will never be a force for dividing us, the one thing is that I keep my eye on the ball and I keep my finger pointed in one direction, at our enemies, and I don't point at anybody else on our side of the line.
---Interview with Lyons in the KKK publication The Klansman  Sept/Oct. 1990.

(See more such quotes from Lyons in the November 1996 Memorandum, Item 12)

 To many observers Lyons' pattern of trying to appear to be a moderate "civil rights lawyer " are belied by his statements and actions over the years.   Through various incarnations from the Patriots Defence Foundation to CAUSE, Lyons' has been a prominent, if controversial, part of the national white supremacy movement.   Having not renounced his past actions or statements, Lyons' role as incorporator and Chief Trial Counsel for the Southern Legal Resource Center (SLRC) raises serious questions for his colleagues at the SLRC about the public perception of their organization when Kirk Lyons plays such a major role.


For suggestions on how you can be involved in your community, please contact us.
WNCCEIB thanks all the volunteers who have helped put this memorandum together.
Please contact us if you have questions or want more information.

Western North Carolina Citizens For An End To Institutional Bigotry(WNCCEIB)

PO Box 18640
Asheville, NC 28814
Tel: 828-669-6677
Fax 828-669-8862
* * * * * * * * *
WNCCEIB is a non-profit, tax-exempt project of the Western Carolina Coalition For Social Concerns. WNCCEIB expresses its appreciation to the Greensboro Justice Fund, the Robert J. and Eunice J. Wagner Foundation, and other generous donors for their support.
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