Western North Carolina Citizens for an End to Institutional Bigotry(WNCCEIB)

PO Box 18640, Asheville, NC 28814
828-669-6677 Fax 828-669-8862
wncceib@buncombe.main.nc.us      www.main.nc.us/wncceib/

[WNCCEIB NOTE: What follows is a February 26, 2003 letter-to-the-editor email-copied to WNCCEIB by Kirk Lyons. The MTXpress (Asheville, NC) published the letter in its March 19-25, 2003 edition. Gilmour is Coordinator of WNCCEIB. Link included in Lyons' letter to the MTXpress article was added by WNCCEIB.]

From: "CSA NEWS UPDATE" <slrc@slrc-csa.org>

To: <xpress@mountainx.com>; "Monroe T Gilmour" <wncceib@buncombe.main.nc.us>

Cc: "Brenna Lyons" <lyon6701@bellsouth.net>; "Neill H. Payne" <nhp@slrc-csa.org>; "SLRC" <slrc@slrc-csa.org>

Subject: Letter to the editor

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:10 PM


I note that "Chicken Little" Gilmour has come out of seclusion to chant "The

sky is falling" because the Mountain Express wrote a balanced article about

me (February 19 Letter to the Editor "Unreconstructed" commenting on Feb 5

cover story "Rebel Yell: Heritage Fight Heats Up"). I must assume that

either the fairness of the article really upset him or his commie friends in

Greensboro sent his escape-from-a-real-job Foundation some more money. As

usual my "publicist" gets it all wrong. If Monroe would let his intense

pathological hatred of me subside for just a few minutes he would realize

that he doesn't even know me and has never taken the time to even meet me.

I will not waste space in your newspaper dignifying Gilmour's agenda driven

(and incorrect) version of my past with a rebuttal. Anyone who believes in

fair play is welcome to call or write me for my oft-repeated side of the

story (828-669-5189, slrc@slrc-csa.org).

As for Monroe, I am very sorry that the Almighty did not create him as an

African American or a Native American or any other color besides priviledged

lily-white boy with Confederate ancestry. Maybe then he would not feel the

need to take out his "selbst hass" and hatred of anything white on me.

Kirk D. Lyons

Victim of 11 years of Gilmour harrassment

PS Tell Monroe that they are hiring at McDonald's.

See Lyons' similarly patterned letter published in the Black Mt. News March 12, 2003

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