Mountain Area Information Network

MAIN News Archives for June 2013

06/27 -  MAIN returns to the airwaves with new frequency, 103.7 FM
06/25 -  Moral Monday crowds swell in week 8
06/25 -  Turning political maps into partisan weapons
06/23 -  Booz Allen, the world's most profitable spy firm
06/18 -  Release the facts about the IRS scandal
06/18 -  Jim Holshouser remembered
06/17 -  Last-mile broadband crisis hobbles WNC economy
06/14 -  NC Senate approves tax breaks for big business
06/14 -  State budget would widen rural-urban divide
06/13 -  Supreme Court rejects patents for natural human genes
06/11 -  Third 'Koch' brother hits North Carolina
06/11 -  Farm Bill includes Rural Gigabit amendment
06/11 -  Rural broadband still lags cities
06/11 -  Reporter arrested in Raleigh protest
06/10 -  Public wins in cell phone, towing court decisions
06/10 -  The most important whistleblower in US history
06/07 -  White House defends massive phone, data capture
06/05 -  Farm Bill: Welfare for the Wealthy
06/04 -  More than 150 arrested at NC legislature